
Trauma Bonding | Sims 4 Mods

This mod adds the ability to create a trauma bond with a romantic partner in The Sims 4.

Getting Started


In CAS give the abuser Sim the “Dangerous” trait located in the emotions category.

With this trait your abuser Sim can start love bombing their romantic partner. If they love bomb enough and reach high enough romance level they’ll be able to create a trauma bond.

The abuser Sim will have a new Dangerous menu once the relationship is going well and romance is at a high level. These are all very mean interactions causing a bit of trauma to the victim.



The trauma bond will give the target Sim the trauma bond trait, and emotionally dependent trait. The romantic partner with these traits will respond to the trauma causing interactions by remaining the in the bond or getting enough courage to break the bond and leave.

Once the victim romantic partner has the trauma bond you can play out the relationship with either Sim.

Victim Sims

Once the victim Sim has had enough, they can use the Break Trauma Bond Menu, and then select the Break Trauma Bond interaction. This will remove the two Emotionally Dependent and Trauma Bond traits.

The Abuser Sim will continue to have love bomb and Dangerous interactions.



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