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Anger Management Mod adds new casual social interactions that have the potential to give your Sim uncontrolled anger.  Once they have this emotional outburst they’ll need to learn anger management techniques to help them better deal with their emotional reactions.  They can also level up their Anger Management Skill to eventually learn how to fully control their anger.

How This Works
Every teen Sim and older can use the “Casual Conversation” menu.  There are 5 social interactions in this menu that range from discussing current events to making a romantic advance.  Each interaction will perform normally unless the interaction fails.  Where the Sim you’re talking to has a negative reaction.  This will set any Sim off and give them the “Uncontrolled Anger” trait.

Sims with the Uncontrolled Anger trait will suddenly have new interactions to react violently or passive aggressively. If they choose one of the four violent interactions, they’ll fight the other Sim and get a “Very Angry” moodlet.  

Learn Anger Management Techniques Online
When your Sim has uncontrolled anger they can start learning how to get rid of their anger over time.  On a basegame computer select the Anger Management Therapy menu and use any of the tutorial interactions.  These interactions will help your Sim level up their Anger Management Skill.

Anger Management Techniques
Your Sim will already have a few techniques they can use like “Count To Ten”.  They will have no effect until they level up to skill level 4 and 5.  At this Anger Management Skill they will be able to completely control themselves by getting rid of the Uncontrolled Anger trait completely when using the anger management interactions.

Anger Management Interactions
To use these interactions self click your sim.


Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.
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