A really cheap way to avoid expensive rentals and hotels while traveling is couch surfing. This is when you rent the couch in someone’s house for one night and then get on your way to the next couch rental. For the Sims this can be very helpful if they’re somewhat homeless or headed for a destination world. Just stay on the couch.
Starting out you’ll need to have a high friendship level with a Sim on a residential lot. This is required for the friend’s residential home to appear within the social event. If you’re going to actually couch surf from house to house then you’ll need a lot of friends to do so.
When it’s time to rent out a couch, head over to a friend’s house, use the phone to plan a social event, select the friend and your Sims, and then the house. The price is $25 for the night. During the event you’ll need to take a nap, use the computer, take a shower, and make something to eat.