

This mod adds a functional Exorcist Career to The Sims 4.

Click on your Sim and select the “Exorcist Settings” menu.  From this menu you’ll be able to add the Exorcist Trait or remove it.  Once your Sim has this trait they can start investigating other Sims to see if they’re possessed.

Exorcism Investigation

You can investigate any teen to elderly Sim.  During the investigation you have two new interactions.  Check for Dark Possession and Offer Comfort and light.

Checking For Dark Possession will result in a confirmation that the Sim is possessed or they’re all clear.

If they are possessed you can perform an Exorcism.  Possessed Sims will have a 24 hours Dark Possession Buff that makes them dazed.  (The buff will be there even after the exorcism, the full 24 hours will have to run out)

Before You Perform An Exorcism

From a computer, Exorcist Service menu, and then Purchase Exorcism Items.  You’ll need holy water, holy oil, and a religious item in your Sims inventory. The are $2 – $4 each.

Conducting An Exorcism

Using your phone and the social category, select Plan A Social Event. Select the Perform Exorcism event.  Select the Possessed client/Sim, and your Exorcist Sim. Goal the event to collect payment.

Note: Exorcism interactions will only appear on Sims possessed with the Dark Possession buff.

Running An Exorcism Business

From the all in one power pc you can run a business. Using the Exorcist Service menu, and Manage Exorcist Service,  Open For Exorcism Service will spawn 8 potential clients you can test and then perform an exorcism on anyone who is possessed.


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