

How This Works
Click on  your Sim and select the Determination Trait Settings menu.  You can add and remove this trait. Check to see if your Sim has the trait.  It’s required for related social interactions to appear.

Now that you have the Determination trait, go into CAS to give your Sim the “Fresh Start” aspiration located in the Second Chance category. You’ll also get the Adaptable bonus trait.

You now have the Fresh Start social menu.  Use the interactions from this menu to build the Determination skill.  You start out with 2 interactions and work your way up to all 11 social interactions.

Determination Skill

Level 1 – Acquired the determination skill

Level 2 – Unlocked Talk about changing your life social interaction

Level 3-Unlocked Discuss your life goals social interaction

Level 4-Unlocked Discuss new hobbies and interests social interaction

Level 5-Unlocked Ask for emotional support social interaction

Level 6-Unlocked Talk about leaving the past behind social interaction

Level 7-Unlocked Thank for believing in you social interaction

Level 8-Unlocked Suggest going out to celebrate social interaction

Level 9-Unlocked Listen to their advice social interaction

Level 10-Unlocked Discuss being determined to start over social interaction


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