

Welcome To Pixxel Park.  This was requested by Dr. DP, Thank you so much . Appreciate you all and hope you all enjoy this build.

Lot Size: 64×64
Price: $190,000

This is a functional Amusement Park or Theme Park.  It will require the More Buyable Venues Mod and Auto Employees Mod, both by LittleMsSam.  The functional rides are made by Necrodog.

Mod Links:
More Buyable Venues
Auto Employees Mod

How To Set This Up:
Place the build on any 64×64 lot, set the lot type to Gaming Center, and add the auto employee lot trait.  This will allow you to purchase the park as the owner or visit as a park goer.  It’ll also spawn 4 vendors to operate the vending stalls.  There was a mod that allowed many more but it’s unavailable at the moment by Brazen Lotus.  Visit that site periodically to see when it’s available again.

How To Purchase And Operate:
Create your Sim and place him on a separate residential lot.  Purchase a basegame computer, not cc, and click on the “Household” menu tab.  You should see LittleMsSam’s menu, click that and then select “Buy Gaming Center”.  Make your you have enough funds to purchase.

There’s a door on the Ticket Booth for opening and closing the park.

List Of Functional Rides And Items:
Small Ferris Wheel
Bungee Trampoline
Bungee Jump – Tall
Mechanical Bull
High Striker Game – Can Win Prizes
Crane Claw Machine – Can Win Prizes
Semi-Functional Bumper Cars – Work Like Bikes
Candy Cotton Machine
Candy Machine
Balloon Pop Carnival Game
Fortune Teller
Love Meter
Ice Cream Roll Machine
Basketball Machine

Functional Amusement Park: Download Here + Full Instructions And Screenshots (Free, No Ads)


Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.
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