AllDownloadsThe Sims 4


This mod adds 3 new functional teen careers to The Sims 4.

Getting Started
From the (All In Power PC) select the “Teen Job Fair” menu.  You can select any job to give your Sim the needed job trait.

Cookie Scouts
When your teen Sim becomes a Cookie Scout, they’ll have a new computer interaction behind the Teen Job Fair menu.  They can now buy cookies that they can sell to anyone.

Once you make a purchase for $12, the package can be found in your Sim’s inventory.

Making a sale is easy.  Click on the Sim you want to sell cookies to, find the Cookie Scouts social menu and select Sell Cookies.  There is a chance they will not want anything otherwise you’ll earn $25 per sale.

Museum Assistant
Once you’re a Museum Assistant, use your phone to start a social event.

Select Museum Assistant social event, your teen sim, and the museum you want to work at.

When Sims arrive at the Museum click on them, select the Museum Assistant social menu and required social interaction to complete the event.

Gold the event to earn $800.

Custom PC Builder
When you become a custom pc builder, the next thing you need to do is purchase pc parts for $900.

From the all in one power pc, you’ll see the Create PC interaction.  This will create a computer that’ll go to your inventory.

Find someone to sell the pc to and earn $2500.


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