AllMust Have Mods


How this mod works:

In CAS add the new “Childcare Provider” trait to the Homebased Daycare Owner.

Helpful tip:  Prepare toddler meals before you open and put them in your inventory. I’m using the custom content from AroundTheSims4,  you can get that here:

To Open Up The Daycare:
Use the phone to plan a social event.  Select the event, pick the toddlers, children, and your active sim as the childcare provider.  The event should work on residential and generic lots.

This Event Has 9 Goals:
-Get to know a child
-Discuss interests with a child
-Share idea with a child
-Clean a toddler
-Give toddler food (from inventory)
-Check up on a toddler
-Ask a child what they learned
-Tell a child it’s snack time
-Ask child if they’re ready to have fun today

To see where to find these interactions just hover over the goal to see the “Tooltip”.

New Social Interactions Available: Use the “Daycare Center” menu.

-These interactions are always present, they will appear when you’re not working and on adults.
-Known issue that is ongoing.  The 4 toddler interactions were initially working when figuring out how they work, but during testing they didn’t trigger.  Will leave them included for now.  Once I’ve figured out how to get them to work permanently will update this mod.


Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.
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