How To Become A Homewrecker
Click on your Sim and select the Sexy Gigs menu. Next click on Check For Gigs. From the list select Homewrecker.
The ability to be a homewrecker is already in the game however you don’t get a specific menu and interactions to further playout as one.
New Homewrecker Interactions:
Ask about their spouse
I’ve been thinking about you
Ask about married life
Make fun of their significant other
Request more time together
Compare yourself to their significant other
Brag about being a better lover
Ask how they met their significant other
Create A Deep Romantic Bond
This interaction will give you a huge romantic boost making it easier to wreck their home.
Wreck A Happy Home
This interaction works exactly the same as Convince To Leave Spouse. You’ll need very high romance with the target Sim and become Boyfriends or Girlfriends for it to appear for you.
To find target couples ask a Sim if they’re single from the Romance menu. When you become their boyfriend or girlfriend the option to “Wreck A Happy Home” will appear. I’ve placed this interaction behind the Homewrecker menu. Using this interaction will give your homewrecker extreme happiness for hours. They may continue to get the urge to breakup couples even when feeling happy.