LowLife Losers Mod v4 adds garbage personality Sims to your game. Nobody truly knows why they act this way but they have the ability to cause long lasting trauma if you spend too much time with them. While playing a Sim with this trait you’ll be able to truly act out in the most awful ways. Turning everyone against you while single handedly making sure no one is safe from your troubled behavior.
New In This Version
Public Freakouts –
Cuss Out
Dangerous Behavior
Put Downs
How This Works
Give your Sim the LowLife Loser trait in CAS which will unlock the main LowLife Loser social interaction menu. Behind this menu are several sub-menus you can use to create negative situations with other Sims.
There are 63 interactions in all.
Cuss Out|
Fuck you mean?
Shut the fuck up!
You a hoe ass bitch
Fuck you then
Piss off
That’s a bunch of bullshit
What the hell is this shit?
Go fuck yourself!
Put Down
Damn you ugly
Everyday you smell like poop
I don’t like you anyway
You aint nothing to me
You so stupid it’s unbelievable
I don’t know why I waste my time with you
You disgust me
You’re such a failure at everything
I see why nobody likes you
You deserve the worst in life
Why are you so useless
You cause so many problems
You’re a literal waste of space
You suck ass
What do you want from me?
Argue for no reason
Justify your bad behavior
Bring up something from the past
I’m tired of you, let’s focus on me
Claim you have a lot of talent
Try to be someone you’re not
Threaten to reveal their secret
Flaunt your superiority
Claim you’re a very important person
I’m so tired of dealing with your nonsense
Can’t you see I’m busy
Your very lucky I allow you in my space
Dangerous Behavior|
Threaten to attack
Attempt to kill
Use emotional abuse
Master Manipulator
Manipulate into feeling romantic
Maniplulate the level of friendship
Manipulate for money
Get them to calm down
Make them feel embarrassed
Love bomb with false sense of happiness
Gaslight into believing your lies
Why you acting funny about money?
I told you I’d pay you back next week
Money real tight right now
Complain about the economy
Got a few bucks until I’m on my feet?
You got something to eat?
Complain about having a bad credit score
What you mean I’m always broke?
You act like you better than me
Unfortunately I don’t have my rent money
I’ve been sick lately and can’t work
When I get rich I’m gonna hook you up
Public Freakout
Have a massive meltdown
Go on a rampage
Weird out
Be petty
Cause a scene
Some interactions will have an emotional effect on the Sim you’re talking to. Some will cause fights. You’ll definitely make a lot of enemies.