Ownable Apartments adds three new venue types you can purchase and manage. Purchase Luxury Apartments, Low Income Apartments, and Condos.

Setup An Apartment Complex
Decide what type of apartment complex you want to manage. Luxury, Low Income, or Condo.  You can find apartments already built on the gallery or build one for yourself. You’ll need a leasing office within the property that contains a basegame computer. Many of the management options are first performed on a computer.

Give the lot one of the new venue types.

Note: This mod does not work with City Living Apartments.

The venue type will revert back to “Generic” after you purchase.

How This Works
Purchase an apartment complex through the new “Apartments” menu using a basegame computer. You’ll have 3 property options. Select which you prefer.  You’ll then make the purchase and travel to the lot.

Be sure to make apartment purchases from your residential lot.

The retail store UI will not function with this mod.  You will still have to transfer funds and sell the lot afterwards but that’s the only thing you should use.

How To Fill Apartment Vacancies
Use the computer interaction “Fill Apartment Vacancy”.  This interaction will spawn an applicant for you to ask tenant screening questions.  If you want you can approve or deny right away or ask needed questions.  They’ll give answers to make a judgment call.

From the Apartments menu select Leasing Office, where you’ll find “Fill Apartment Vacancy”.

Landlord Trait | Apartment Tenant Screening | Community
When you purchase an apartment complex you’ll get the Landlord Trait and unlock a Landlord Social menu.  This menu gives you access to Apartment Tenant Screening and Community interactions.

You can ask:
-How much income do you earn?
-Where are you employed?
-Do you have a felony?
-Approve apartment lease
-Deny apartment lease
-Evict a tenant (will remove the tenant trait from the npc)

The community menu has a couple of interactions designed to make small talk with tenants living in your apartment complex.

All approved tenants can be invited to the  property at any time from the Leasing Office menu.  They will not appear automatically.  Evicted tenants will not return to the property.

Landlord Experience
Sims with the Landlord trait will get random buffs from tenants complaining about different maintenance issues.  They’ll get these buffs anywhere.  To remove these buffs wait 2 hours.  Depending on the issue you can remove the buff by scheduling a maintenance service provider.  The service provider will do multiple jobs and mostly just roam around.

Find these interactions behind the Apartments compute menu and Services.  Each service request will cost money.

Earn Money

Collect Rent from the Leasing Office menu every 24 hours.

Apartment from Gallery ID Milgemilge

Written by wickedpixxel

Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.