

Ownable Brothels Mod adds new dedicated brothels for The Sims 4.  You can purchase a brothel from your home computer, hire prostitutes, and charge sex buyers to earn a high rate of money.

How To Setup A Brothel
Create a brothel or use the Sleazy Motel build to run the brothel from. Make sure there are plenty of rooms for the prostitutes to work and your own office with a basegame computer.

Give the lot the Brothel venue type.

Note:  If you do not see this lot venue type appear, try a different venue list.  If that doesn’t work give the lot the generic venue type and it should work the same as long as your Sim has the Brothel Keeper CAS Lifestyle Trait.

Give your Sim the Brothel Keeper CAS Trait.  This trait is required to run the brothel.

How To Purchase The Brothel
Using a basegame computer, find the Brothel menu and Purchase Brothel interaction.  This will take you to the retail purchase UI.  Purchase the brothel and transfer money to the business.  Do not use any of the retail UI except sell the business.

How To Run A Brothel
Head over to your office and hire a few prostitutes.  You can hire up to 8 at a time.  Now you’re ready to open the brothel.

How To Play With The Wicked Whims
First use the computer interaction Open Brothel from the Brothel menu.  This will spawn the prostitutes you hired and sex buyers.  When they arrive select the computer interaction Charge Sex Buyers.  This interaction will last for 4 hours and generate $3000 per hour. The drawback is your Sim will need to be on the computer for that time. It might help to get prostitutes working first and then an hour on the computer to earn money. This is the only way the brothel will earn money.

There are a couple of Wicked Whims sex settings that need to be enabled in order to have your prostitutes have sex with the sex buyers.  Click on a double bed, Wicked Menu, settings, sex settings, cheats.  Make sure Always Accept Sex is enabled.  Enable Change Sex Location Anywhere.  Most important, enable Manual NPC Sims Sex.  Now you can control your prostitutes to have sex with the sex buyers.

You can have multiple NPC sex situations happening at the same time, keeping all your prostitutes busy in the brothel.

It can get confusing when selecting Sims for npc sex.  You’ll need to know who your prostitutes are and sex buyers.

Make sure you have plenty of sex animations to keep sex buyers entertained with options.

Click bed.

If you want to use the Sleazy Motel as your brothel get it here:


Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.
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