

How To Setup A Brothel
Create a brothel or use the Sleazy Motel build to run the brothel from. Make sure there are plenty of rooms for the prostitutes to work and your own office with a  computer.

Give the lot the Brothel venue type.

Note:  If you do not see this lot venue type appear, try a different venue list.  If that doesn’t work give the lot the generic venue type and it should work the same as long as your Sim has the Brothel Keeper CAS Lifestyle Trait.

The venue reverts back to Generic.  This is normal to see the venue type as Generic after purchasing.

How To Become A Brothel Keeper
Self click on the Sim you want to become a brothel keeper.  Located behind the Action social menu select “Become A Brothel keeper”.  This will give your Sim the needed trait.

How To Purchase The Brothel
Using a computer, find the Brothel menu and Purchase Brothel interaction.  This will take you to the retail purchase UI.  Purchase the brothel and transfer money to the business.  Do not use any of the retail UI except sell the business.

Buy Generic Brothel
This is a new interaction you can go through the purchase process without setting up a venue or having Get To Work.  It basically just removes the amount you need to purchase.  From $75,000 – $90,000.  You’ll still need to set the venue of your brothel to generic or residential, and other venues if wanted.

If the brothel venue doesn’t show up for you with a venue list, use this if wanted.

Now Recruit Brothel Prostitutes
You can visit community lots to find Sims to recruit, create them, or use household members.

Note:  I noticed that the “Recruit Brothel Prostitute” interaction didn’t appear sometimes.  Most likely related to the recent patch.  You might have to keep trying but it eventually showed up for me.

Note: If you don’t see the computer interactions, make sure you have the XML Injector installed.  You can try a different computer as well.  I didn’t have interactions appear on the all in one pc, which it usually does.  But showed up on other computers.

Now that you have prostitutes to work at the brothel, recommend to have at least 3, head over to your brothel and open the brothel using the computer.

The following images are from the Wicked Whims Sex Mod.  A separate mod for the brothel service gameplay.  You’ll need to download the Wicked Whims Mod from the provided link below and have enough sex animations you can find on the website.  Scroll down on the Wicked Whims download page to find suggested sex animations.


Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.
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