

Required Items (In your recording studio area)

How To Setup A Record Label And Recording Studio
Create a record label or recording studio. Give the lot either venue type.  Record Label, Recording Studio.

CAS Traits
In CAS give your Sim the Record Label CEO trait located in the lifestyle category.

You’ll also need to select a music attorney at this step.  Give that Sim the Music Lawyer CAS trait located in the Emotions category.

Find Music Talent
In this version of the mod you’ll need to actively search and find new talent for your record label.  You can go to night clubs, bars, karaoke bars, or create sims with music and singing talent.

You’ll need 3 entertainers.  Vocal Artist, Piano Player (keyboard player), and Guitar Player.

Use the “Find Music Talent”, social menu and interactions to offer them a deal.

This is just an offer.  They’ll either accept the deal or refuse.

If they accept the deal you’ll get a notification.

Once you have your talent, purchase the record label.

How To Purchase A Record Label
From any basegame computer select the “Record Label” menu and Purchase Record Label interaction.  If you set up a recording studio you can purchase that too.

Make sure you’ve set this up ahead of time so the interaction will appear.

Troubleshooting.  If you don’t see the interaction try a different computer, different desk, or set the computer on a kitchen table.  Make sure you have the cas trait as well.

Note – once you purchase the venue it’ll revert back to generic.

Negotiate A Record Deal
(While at the Record Label, any generic lot, or home)
Use your phone to plan a social event, non goaled Negotiate Record Deal.

You’ll need to invite the music lawyer, your Sim, vocal artist, guitar player, and keyboard/piano player.

If you notice that one of the options to invite a sim is empty, either offer a deal to someone else or make sure they’re in the same world the negotiation is in.

Negotiating with the lawyer involves using the negotiation interactions long enough to at least become an acquaintance or friends.  Once you have then the Agree To A Deal interaction will appear in the same Negotiate Record Deal social menu.

Lawyer fees will cost $10,000

You can end the event but you’ll first need to get the musicians to actually sign the deal.  If they do not then they will not be able to create music tracks in the recording studio.

Use your phone to start the recording session social event.  This event will cost $25,000.

The entertainers work through an autonomy buff.  Make your recording studio area distraction free with everything in one room.  You might need to lock everyone in one studio room, and make sure their needs are all high.  Otherwise other autonomy interactions might have higher priority.

The studio room needs a microphone, guitar, and piano.

If your Sim does not play their instrument and record, that’s okay, the mod will still work and you’ll get the needed track when you ask to them to stop recording.

It’s possible that the event will ask you to stop recording before starting recording.  Go through with the interaction in that case.



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