Turn your Sim’s residential home lot into a functional bar that will spawn customers, earn money, and close and open for business when you want. You can also add functional beer and alcohol with customers actually getting drunk if they drink too much.
To set this up completely you will need the following mods:
- Live In Business Mod by LittleMsSam: Download
- More Buyable Venues by LittleMsSame: Download
- Custom Drink Interactions by IceMunMun: Download
- Basemental Drugs Mod: Download
- Apple Store by SoulSisterSims (Optional): Download
The first thing you’ll need is to create a bar on your Sim’s residential home lot. I used SoulSisterSim’s Apple Store. Removing all the Apple Custom Content and replacing it with misc bar decorations and a functional bar. While decorating remember you’ll need someplace to actually live. Add a bedroom or two on your lot.
Now add the “Live In Bar” lot trait. This will spawn customers and add the ability to close or open the bar when you click on a door or arch.
If you install More Buyable Venue’s Mod, you’ll earn money on every drink you sell. Don’t forget to click the bar and click “Tend Bar” to actually have sims request a drink from you.
The next two mods add realistic drink names, the ability to get drunk, and other custom drinks. If you install Basemental drugs mod or Basemental Alcohol (pick one), and Custom Drink Interactions mod, your bar will be completely realistic and keep your Sim busy serving drinks.
Credit And Sources: Bartender Pose by Crystarosh: Download