AllDownloadsMust Have ModsSexy Gigs


Adult Entertainer Gig (Requires Get Famous and Wicked Whims)
To become an Adult Entertainer use a basegame computer, Sexy Gigs menu, and Find A Sexy Gig.  Select Adult Entertainer.  You will get a notification welcoming you.

The first thing you’ll want to do is join a talent agency.  There are two to choose from.  Amateur Connections Talent Agency and Platinum Prn Talent Agency. When you join you’ll get a hidden trait to get auditions from that particular agency.

How To Select Co-Stars
You can select a particular Co-Star if you want and remove them.  From the Prn Star menu on a computer choose “Select A Co-Star”.  This Sim will be available to you for practicing scenes and perform in adult movies.  To invite them over to your location and practice scenes use the “Pick A Co-Star To Practice Scenes With Interaction”.  This is an event you’ll need to goal.  Select your residential lot and follow the goals in the event.

Common issues with my events include events ending early, not closing, and getting stuck.  If you come across any of these issues please let me know below.

Practice Scenes With The Co-Star
The interactions will not show up until you’ve select a co-star.  Once you have one (you can have multiple) use the event above or invite them over on your phone through normal gameplay. There are 6 scenes you can practice.

Functional Auditions
You can start going out on auditions at any time once you have a talent agency.  These auditions are casting couches which means you will have to perform sex to get the part.  Select a casting director, where you want to audition, and goal the event to qualify for a movie roll.

Once you goal the audition you will see the interaction to shoot an adult movie.  For this interaction select your co-star and select a venue.  Before you do so be sure to setup your prno studio.  Because I’m using the Date event, generic lots will not trigger the event, you’ll need to use a compatible venue such as night club, bar, lounge, etc and give the venue the Prno Studio Lot Trait.  This lot trait will spawn a camera operator and director.  Since this mod does not have autonomy for these npc’s I recommend using Wicked Whims pose player and a free camera operator animation to give the shoot a more realistic feel.

GET Camera Operator And Camera Here: Sims 4 Animation Pack #9 | Journalist & Film Camera | by Purpura Sims | Purpura Sims on Patreon

Once everything is setup and you have the npc’s where you want, goal the event with your co-star.  You’ll earn money depending on the reward level.

Sexy Gigs Mod Description
Sexy Gigs Mod adds functional sex related careers to The Sims 4.  Each gig will earn you money and allow you to please a client or sex buyer using Wicked Whims.  You decide how you want to please these clients and you can work the way you want.

How To Start A Gig
You can start most gigs from a basegame computer.  (The interactions might not show up on some computers.  If this happens try another desktop computer and make sure it’s from the base game)  Under the computer menu “Sexy Gigs”, select “Check For Sexy Gigs”.  Select the gig you want to work.

Your Sim will get a gameplay Trait and a notification welcoming them to that gig.

How To Quit A Sexy Gig
From the “Sexy Gigs” menu on a base game computer select “Quit A Sexy Gig”.  Select the gig you want to quit and it’ll remove the gameplay trait and a notification will appear with information about you quitting.

Some gigs aren’t availabe through this career picker and instead require a CAS trait.  The Erotic Writer gig is an example.

Sex Worker  (Base Game Compatible,Requires Wicked Whims Mod)
Use the Sexy Gigs menu to become a Sex Worker. You now have access to 4 way to earn money. You can turn tricks by street walking, use the Back-End Classifieds to spawn a sex buyer to your location, find escort dates and sugar dates.

Street Walker Prostitution

Walk the streets to find sexy buyers looking for a good time.  When you’re in a location with potential sex buyers around click on your Sims and select “Turn Tricks”.  This interaction will send out a signal to nearby Sims that you’re prostituting.  These Sims will gather around you and cheer you on or leave if they’re not interested.  Those that remain you can click on to proposition them.  The Sim you’ve clicked on select “Offer Sex For Money”.  The two of you will have the option to travel to a new location.  Select where you want to go and goal the event to earn money.

If you don’t want to walk the streets you can stay at home and use online classifieds to operate as a sex worker.  The Back-End Classifieds have multiple options.  You can select “Find Sex Buyers” to spawn a sex buyer to your location.  When they arrive you can use the “Offer Sex For Money” interaction on them to start an event, select your residential home, and earn money if you goal the event.

The next two options are dates and you won’t offer sex.  The “Find An Escort Client” and “Find A Sugar Date” interactions work similar.  A simpicker interaction will pop-up allowing you to select a Sim to have a date with.  Pick a Sim and show them a good time either way.  Goal the event and earn money.

Sex Workers have one central social menu they can use on these dates or while street walking.  You’ll be able to take these relationships further into whatever direction you want.

Dominatrix (Base Game Compatible, requires Wicked Whims)
Once you become a Dominatrix you get a new social menu and interactions.  You will need to use these interactions during your BDSM session on Submissive Worms.  This gig is a social event Job.  Use your phone to plan a social event like normal.  Select yourself as the Dominatrix and pick a Sim to be the Submissive worm during the session.  Goal the event to earn money.

This gig is meant to be used with Kritical’s Bondage Equipment but isn’t required.  Just Wicked Whims Mod is requied to goal the event.  Below you’ll find links to all kinds of animations, cc clothing for a Dominatrix, and equipment.  During each session you can really let your imaganation loose.

Sex Dungeon

Pimping (Base Game Compatible, Requires Wicked Whims Mod)
When you become a Pimp the first thing you’ll want to do is get on a base game computer, select the “Invite Hoes Over” menu and “Invite Hoe Over”.

There are two ways to invite hoes over.  When you’re just starting out without anyone on your team select the “Invite Hoes Over”.  When you have a couple of hoes on your team select the “Invite Hoes Over From Your Team”.

A hoe will spawn to your location that you can use interactions from the “Smooth Talker” menu.  This includes a Smooth Introduction and the ability to “Add Hoe To Your Team”.  When you add a hoe it gives them a trait that’ll allow you to send them to make money.  They’ll go on a rabbithole prostitution journey for a couple of hours.  When they return be sure to collect money from them.

Keep track of hoes when you send them to make money.  You might miss when they return and they’ll keep your money.  You can also get rough with hoes.  This will start a fight.  If your Pimp isn’t in good shape they could actually lose the fight and get beat down by their hoe.  This is very embarrassing for the pimp.

This gig inlcudes a lot trait for the Sleazy Motel.  Download this lot and set the venue type to generic.  Give the venue the “Sleazy Motel” lot trait to spawn a Motel Manager and Motel Guests.  When you visit the lot you can use it to arrange dates for your hoes.

Download Sleazy Motel:

Pimp Arranged Date is a social event job.  Use your phone to plan a social event.  Select your Sim as the Pimp, Select a hoe, any hoe if you want, and a Sex Buyer.  You can select any available venue on the list inlcuding the Sleazy Motel if you have it put down.  During the event you must use Wicked Whims to have the hoe and Npc have sex with each other.  Use the NPC Sex interactions and make sure you have plenty of sex animations.  These npc sex interactions are required to goal the event.

Surrogate Sex Partner (Base Game Compatible, Requires Wicked Whims Mod) (Home Based Only)

This is a home based career.  You’ll need to select your residential lot to see clients.  Add an office area to your home.

This gig will allow you to help Sims with sexual and relationship issues overcome them through sessions where you act as if you have a relationship.  You’ll also need to uncover some of the issues through asking questions.  This all happens during the Surrogate Sex Partner Session.

Once you become a Surrogate Sex Partner, use a base game computer and the “Client Portal” menu.  When you’re ready to have a session select “Surrogate Sex Partner Session”. A Simpicker will pop-up and select a client.  The travel screen will appear and select your home as the destination.  The client will spawn and go to where you are.

Use the event to chat with the client and ask them questions from the “Surrogate Sex Partner Session” Menu.  For chat use friendly interactions.  Both chat and client interactions are needed to goal the event.

The session event will also require you to teach them a few things about sex.  You’ll teach them how to have different types of sex in order to goal the event and get paid.  They require Wicked Whims Mod.

There are a couple of interactions on the computer to help manage clients.  Progress reports and Client Records.

Sex Toy Maker (Requires Get To Work)
Once you become a Sex Toy maker you’ll need to invest in supplies and equipment.  The first thing to purchase is the Dildo Maker 3000 for $1000.  Find this in Build/Buy mode.  Search Dildo Maker or the knowledge category.  Next use the computer and the “Order” menu to Purchase Sex Toy Supplies.  Buy a lump of silicone for $189 each.  When you have silicone in your inventory click on the Dildo Maker Lab to “Make Dildos”.  Your Sim will interact with the lab and stand still at times for an hour.  Previously the time was around 5 minutes (5 seconds) but increased for gameplay.

During that hour your sim will discover a lot of new metals they can find in their inventory.  This is from the original tuning of the item and normal.  When the Dildo is done, a notification will appear and the dildo is sent to your Sim’s inventory.

With a Dildo in inventory you have two options.  You can “Use”the dildo from your inventory.  The sims will perform a swipe interaction and get a very flirty buff.  Please be aware the Dildo can be used just once.

You can click on another Sim and offer to Sell A Sex Toy. This interaction will remove the dildo from your inventory and give you $500 for the sale.  Reinvest in more silicone to build a sex toy empire.

Private Sex Clubs  (Base Game Compatible)
Create a sex club and give a generic venue type.  Add the Private Sex Club lot trait.  When your Sim Owner visits the club they’ll get a trait that’ll allow them to run the club.  Ask for the secret password or go over club rules.  Use your imagination to turn the club into any sex experience you want.  Use the Private Sex Club social event to invite club members.

Erotic Writer Career

No big changes to this career. Read the guide below to see how this gig works.

Erotic writer Guide

Report Issues with this mod on Discord or below in the comments.  I might not reply but have seen the comment.

Remember select on one zip file.  Modular or regular.

Unzip using a program like winrar.  Then place in your Sims 4 mod folder.

Where’s Adult Enterainer Gig and Trap Queen.

I found an issue during final testing yesterday and will need to fix that.  It’ll most like get included next week.

Trap Queen is no longer include here, it will belong to a much bigger crime themed mod coming soon.


Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.
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