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I love combining mods to create more function in the Sim 4 game. I wanted a movie theater sims could visit or own with as much functionality as possible. In this particular functional build your Sims can go to the movies on a date night or just for fun. Order popcorn and other snacks including soda and candy. If you have Sims 4 Movie Hangout Stuff Pack, you’ll be able to add a better movie watching experience using the mod(s) suggested below, but it’s not required.

*Cinema Venue Type
*Earn Money
*Visit As A Customer
*Auto Employees

Recommended Mods And Packs:
*Sims 4 Movie Hangout Stuff Pack
*More Buyable Venues Mod
*Auto Employees Mod
*Bangkoksims Patreon Exclusive Movie Theater
*Watch Movies Be Quiet Mod
*Functional Popcorn Machine
*Custom Drink Interactions Mod
*Buyable Snacks
*Movie Theater Seats
*Buyable McDonalds Fountain Drinks
*Buyable Brand Name Soda And Drinks


I highly recommend the extremely realistic Movie Theater by Bangkoksims but it’s completely optional and you can find plenty of theaters on the gallery or Youtube if you don’t want to build your own.

Using the more buyable venues mod by LittleMsSams, you’ll set the venue type to buyable cinema (requires Sims 4 Movie Hangout). If you don’t have that then I suggest setting the venue type to “gaming center”.

Here are the instructions sourced from LittleMsSams site. “Movie Hangout” SP is necessary for this Venue Type because i wanted a more real Cinema Feeling instead of Sims watching News or Stuff. I also disabled autonomous watching TV to stop Sims from changing the Channel in the middle of a Movie.

New Interactions to watch Movies (Cinema Show) added to 4 big TVs:

Plasmatron 3000 (BG), Anti Flatscreen TV HDCurV (CL EP) and the two MovieScreens (MH SP).

These Interactions will let you choose up to 30 Sims to go and watch a Movie. (I recommend using the Watch Movie and Be Quiet please Mod with this)

The Movie will start right away to prevent your Sim as an Owner of a Cinema to have to start and watch each Movie. Your active Sim is also choosable in the SimPicker Menu so the new Interactions work for both the Owner and Guests.

Money Loot for Owners will be via Computer “Collect Salary”, when Sims take Popcorn, Barista/Espressobar and with the Entrance Fee (Updated Version needed of Entrance Fee LotTrait).

The way the movie theater will function as a movie goer, simply visit the lot and you’ll be charge an entrance fee. You can head over to any bar or barista you’ve set up to purchase custom snacks and drinks (requires custom drinks interactions mod and custom food interactions mod for custom snacks) Click on the movie screen in the theater and “watch cinema show”

To add more activity into the theater create a club. Set club activities to play arcade games, friendly social interactions for a busy lobby away from the movie theater.


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