AllDownloadsMust Have Mods


What’s New
The mod has been recoded for stability.  The Recording Studio update has been completely removed and scheduled to become a standalone mod.

Get Rich Quick Version 5 Adds a functional CEO business career to the Sims 4.

Set Up An Office
Before you start playing setup an office and place it on a lot. Make the venue type Generic.  It can be any office building, home office, etc.

How This Works
Give your Sim the CEO trait in CAS.  This will enable all needed social interactions.  Next, use your phone and the social menu to “Plan A Social Event”.  Select the Get Rich Quick event.  This event will cost you $100 as the daily investment required to run your business.  Select your Sim as the CEO and select up to 20 employees.  Now select the generic venue you placed as your office building.  This is where you’ll work.  The event is not goaled, it’s there to only select employees needed.  You end the event when you want or simply allow the time to run out.  Employee might hang around after that but you can ask them to leave.

Run the company as you see fit.  There are social interactions you can use to manage employees.  Use the computer interactions under the “Corporate System” menu to do a little work.

Employees will grab coffee, work on the computer, and use friendly social interactions with each other.

How To Make Money
The key to making money is sending employees on sales trips. They’ll be gone for 2 hours or so. When they return you can try to collect money.  If they were successful you’ll get $2000, if not you’ll only get a simple excuse.  To send an employee on a sales trip will cost money.  $100 or more.

Will update you on what’s coming next to the mod.  This mod is permanently free to the public.



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