Sometimes your favorite mods get abandoned by the mod creator and left there a broken mess. Here are a few you might have loved in the past and didn’t know they were updated by someone else.
The following Mods were all updated by SHEnanigans except Anyone Can Swipe and Wiggler’s mod which was updated by ArlisRabbo.
Mod descriptions and images copy/pasted from the download pages. Credits listed below.
The Sims 4: Fashion Career Mod Download Here
This game play mod includes: (Credit
-The ability to join a new career in game: Fashion Career
-The ability to later branch off to one of three branches: Model, Fashion Journalist or Designer.
-Tons of custom interactions
-Custom whim to join the Fashion Career if your Sims have skills in painting or charisma
-Tons of custom moodlets
-Custom career tones (actions) which your Sims can do while at work
-Custom “chance cards” which will give your Sims a positive or negative work boost depending on your answer!
-Models can practice modelling in the mirror
-Models who have a higher career level can “walk the runway” while at work and can receive a variety of moodlets depending on their skill level!
-Models can offer fashion advice, or brag about being a model!
-Models earn a special trait at the top of their career which enhances their friendships and relationships.
-Designer Sims can create custom fashion designs on the easel- as their painting skill increases, their designs get better (over 30 custom painting designs).
-Designers can also sell their work for profit, and will receive a notification each time, telling whether or not their work was chosen by a top fashion label
-Designers receive a trait at the top of their career which allows them to sell their own fashions at a much higher profit
-Journalists can interview other Sims about their outfits, then write positive or negative articles about them (be careful- your Sims friends might not like a negative article written about them ;))
-At the top of the journalism career, Sims can write their own fashion magazine (just like publishing a book on the computer). The magazine can then be read, sold, or published for other Sims to enjoy!
Karaoke Night Event Mod Download Here
Plan a new type of event: Karaoke Night (Credit
-Have your party at a karaoke bar, bar, nightclub, or even your house
-Complete custom goals
-Discuss lack of new songs, Joke about Tone-Deaf Sims, Complain about uncreative videos and Brag about karaoke skill during the event!
-Learn what others think about your karaoke performance after singing on the karaoke machine
-Invite other Sims to sing or watch karaoke during the event.
-Get custom buffs for hosting or attending the event
-Mod Info Here
Slumber Party Event Download Here
The Sims 4: Slumber Party Event Mod (Credit
-The ability to throw a slumber party for children!
-Custom whims for children to “throw a slumber party”
-Children will show up in their sleepwear
-Custom goals to complete during the slumber party
-Custom goals for an adult (“grown-up”) to complete, too!
-New buffs for hosting a slumber party
-Custom Content rewards for hosting a slumber party: conversions from TS3 Generations (The Purr Purr Purr Stereo, Dreamer’s Closet Costume Chest, The Baronet’s Fiefdom TV and The Glass SlipperVision Television)
-New rewards come with a ton of recolors and are locked until you complete the party!
-The Costume Chest is interactive and will allow children to dress up in different costumes (depending on which DLC you have), and gives a special buff each time a child is dressed in a costume!
-Mod Info Here
Baby Shower Event Download Here
Baby Shower Event (Credit
-Added new rewards for getting bronze, silver and gold parties! New items include decorative items and furniture that came with the Toddler patch.
-Gold rewards include the bassinet, as well as the toddler “bear” chair and a bookcase, and several decorative items.
-Mod Info Here
Graduation Event for Sims 4 Download Here
Graduation Event for Sims 4 (Credit
-The ability to throw a Graduation event for your teen Sims!
-Invite any teen in your town to attend the Graduation with you!
-Custom whims for Teens to have a Graduation
-Custom interactions (Reminisce About School, Joke About Teachers, Congratulate on Graduating, and more!) that only appear during the party!
-The ability to invite a “Principal” (any Adult in your game) -A custom “Graduate” interaction (with different responses from the Principal depending on your Sim’s grade in school!)
-Sign yearbooks (new object) and say goodbye to your friends!
-Custom goals to complete during the party
Custom rewards (conversions from TS3 and new deco objects)
-All Sims are rewarded with a diploma, which can be viewed after the graduation- your Sim will get a special moodlet which also depends on their grade in school!
-Gold rewards include a random amount of money (a “scholarship”) for your Sim’s future!
-Tons of custom buffs/moodlets associated with having a Graduation
-Mod Info Here
Sims 4 Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Event Download Here
Sims 4 Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Event (Credit
-New party type: Bachelor(ette) Party
-Can be thrown by male or female sims (but they must be engaged, of course)
-Custom goals to complete during the party
-Custom interactions which only appear during the party!
-New party role: “Private Dancer” which allows you to hire a stripper of your choice for the party!
-Custom buffs/moodlets associated with having a Bachelor(ette) Party
-Custom rewards (conversions from The Sims 2 and The Sims 3) for completing bronze, silver or gold parties!
-Custom whims for engaged Sims to throw a Bachelor(ette) Party
-Mod Info Here
Sims 4 Funeral Mod Download Here
The Sims 4: Funeral Event Mod (Credit
-The ability to throw a Funeral Event
-Custom whims for Sims to throw a funeral (after viewing the death of another Sim)
-The ability to hire a “Minister” to come to the funeral
-Ministers will perform a Eulogy (if you have City Living installed), or just hang out and speak with your Sims
-Custom interactions (Argue about the Will, Ask the Minister for Advice, Compain about the Unfair of Death, Convince Death Was a Hoax, Discuss the Will, Refuse to Face Death, Share Happy Memories, Speak Ill of the Dead, Talk about the Afterlife, Tell Funny Story about the Deceased Sim) which only appear during the Funeral!
-Custom goals to complete during the event
-Custom/functional caskets (open and closed) and a floral wreath which are to be used during the funeral (much thanks to @necrodogmtsands4s for letting me use his objects, mod them and include them in this event!)
-Functional podium for your Minister (City Living required)
-Custom rewards (Conversions from TS3 store) from the Deceased Sim’s “will”
Gold level funeral includes a monetary reward (money from the will)
Tons of custom buffs/moodlets associated with the custom interactions, objects, and the Funeral event
-Mod Info Here
Wiggler’s Long Term Relationship Building Download Here
This mod comes with the 4 files from Wiggler’s – friendship gain, friendship loss, romance gain and romance loss – but there is an additional 5th file of my own doing. This file is called ADDITIONAL_TWEAKS and it’s basically a bunch of other relationship altering loots, e.g. gains/losses with apartment neighbors and noise complaints, or fame/reputation bonuses. I felt it would be a bit ridiculous if a regular interaction gave 4 relationship points but with maxed reputation/fame you got 135. Or greeting your neighbour gave you 1.5 points but a noise complaint knocked out -25. So I tweaked these a little. The bonuses are still noticeable, but reasonably so, I feel. If you don’t like/want this addition, just delete that ADDITIONAL_TWEAKS package file.
Credit: Alisrabbo on Patreon
Itasan2’s Anyone Can Swipe Mod Download Here
The way the swipe interaction is handled has been changed since this mod was last updated so I had to work around a bit to make it work. What I’ve done is I’ve added a reward trait called “Swiper” that costs zero points. This is why you’ll need the injector. Make sure what you have is the most recent version! If you want your sim to be able to swipe, just give them this trait from the reward store. (Credit: Alisrabbo on Patreon)
Below are explanations of what each file does:
- No Need For Interval – unchanged. It reduced the duration of the buffs sims get from swiping so that they can swipe again immediately.
- No Need for Trait (basic) – simply give your sim the swiper reward trait and they can swipe, just like if they had the kleptomaniac trait but without any of the buffs that klepto sims get.
- No Need for Trait (autonomous) – same as above, except your sims may swipe autonomously sometimes.
For the ones below, you’ll need to use them with magneticsouth’s bits:
- No Need for Trait (more swipeables) – if you want your sims to be able to swipe more objects and still want their mischief skill level to factor in, use this and give them the reward trait, and get MS’s “MoreSwipeables” packages
- No Need for Trait (autonomous + more swipeables) – same as above, but if you want sims to swipe autonomously sometimes
- No Need for Trait (no skill requirement) – this just adds the Swiper reward trait; so if you want to be able to swipe more objects freely with no skill requirements, get this + MS’s “MoreSwipeables” packages + the “NoSkillNoCooldown” addon.
Please note: you will need the XML injector V3!!! Get it here.