One of the biggest complaints about the Sims 4 is that there’s nothing to really do in the game after a while. Hopefully this idea will relieve a little of the boredom if you’re at that point. So this is the Ownable, Live In Business Fitness and Wellness Center. It’s fully functional as a gym and spa or sorts with the added features of the lot being residential. Your Sims can make money as professional Personal Trainers, and Wellness Coaches.
This guide will take you through the steps of setting up your Sims in CAS, lot, and gameplay. You’ll need 2 primary mods, Live In Business mod by LittleMsSam and More Buyable Venues. The expansion and game packs I used include Get To Work, Get Famous, and Spa Day for the wellness aspects. Technically you can focus on the fitness aspect if you do not have Spa Day.
Build And Setup The Gym
Download and place the latest versions of the needed mods in your Sims 4 Mods folder. Be sure to remove any older versions and that your game is completely updated too.
Create your Fitness/Wellness center anyway you want. However you’ll need room or areas to carry out your services.
Typical gym area. Add weight machines, treadmills, rock climbing machines if you have (Fitness Stuff).
Massage Room. (Spa Day Needed) Place massage tables and chairs to perform a variety of massages.
Yoga Class. Because the mod enables the ability to teach yoga classes, create a large enough area to teach Sims how to do yoga.

Other things that earn money are having a bar, bath soaks, and mud baths. Want to add a store area? You can start fizzing your own health drinks and add the “Live In Store” Lot Trait. It will spawn customers looking to shop and add the ability to sell harvestables and collectibles.
Important Note: The Live In Business Mod yoga instructor feature is an addon file. Be sure to include it from the zip file into your Mods folder. Otherwise the Instructor Yoga Mat and Option to “Teach Yoga” will not show up.
It’s really simple to set up the lot for gameplay. Just add the Live In Gym lot trait to your residential lot. When you want to open for business or close just click on the door, select open Live in Business from the menu.
CAS Aspirations And Traits
If you’re going to add the wellness services to your business, I strongly suggest a household with 2 or more Sims. The actual part of running this business can be challenging for one Sim.
I’m using 2 Sim brothers who are bodybuilders. I gave them the Bodybuilder Aspiration track. Traits include Active, Bro, and Self-Assured. For this to work you’ll need to skill them up to a level 10 Fitness (Base Game) and a level 10 Wellness (Spa Day Required). To help me decide which traits were best, I used these guides: fitness skill guide, Wellness skill guide.
Fitness And Wellness Center Business Gameplay
When ready, open for business and Sims will start spawning for the gym. You’ll earn an entrance fee of $60 per Sim that visits. The good thing is you start earning income right away. Next it’s important to start interacting with as many Sims as possible. You won’t be able to mentor fitness without first having some level of friendship. Once you have a few relationships, click on the Sim while they’re working out and offer to “Mentor”. Help them and afterwards you’ll earn a good amount of money. $100 or more.

If you have massage tables set up your Sims will autonomously offer massages and earn money. They tend to prefer to do this. You’ll have to manually ensure they’re mentoring fitness to have both services going. As mentioned before you can teach yoga class for money. Use the instructor yoga mat included with the Live In Business mod, click on it, and start yoga class. When completed you earn money.
With the entrance fee, services you can offer, mud baths and bar, your Sims can earn over $5,000 per day.
Download Links:
Live In Business Mod
More Buyable Venues Mod