The strip club feature is now available in the public version of Wicked Whims which you can download HERE if you haven’t already. After some game play you may notice that profits can be hard to generate. You can boost business by adding a brothel to your strip club. If you need a guide for that get it right HERE. But even that isn’t the amount of cash flow your Sim has in mind, especially if they’re extremely ambitious. Building a criminal empire through drug dealing from your club, a trap club, may be the answer.
Drug Empire
Since Cocaine and clubbing go hand in hand, I decided to increase profits drastically by having my sim become a drug dealer. You’ll need the Basmental Drugs Mod which can download HERE. The process of becoming a drug dealer is simple. Just click on your Sim, Find the “Drugs” menu, “Settings”, and “Assign NPC”. What you’ll do is select a sim you want to be the NPC drug dealer. This NPC is where you purchase drugs for the purpose of reselling. If you want to create a particular NPC simply do so via CAS and place them in the same world. They should pop up in the Sim Picker.
Now find and become friends with the NPC dealer and ask to become a weed dealer or whichever drug you want to sell. Cocaine makes a good profit and makes the most sense in this scenario.
From there you’ll have to work your way up through the drug dealing skill. Each skill level will offer more opportunity to profit and improve drug quality. The skill levels of most interest to me is level 3, level 6 & 8, and level 9. At level 3 you can order drugs online. Just be sure you’re on the Sim’s home lot and not the strip club when you order. It’ll be delivered by mail to your home.
Level 6 cocaine dealing skill introduces your first “High Level Client”. This is big money for the club because you’ll be able to assign one high level client and sell bricks of cocaine to them every 24 hours. At level 8 you can have 2 high level clients. Level 9 allows you to invite a big shot cocaine dealer over every 3 days to make even bigger purchase deals at lower prices. More profits.
Building up the cocaine dealing skill does take a lot of time and relationship building. Luckily the strip club brothel is full of freaky cocaine snorting types, cozy up and pretend to like them and they’ll become your initial drug clients.
Build Updates
I did a few updates to the actual strip club. Added the owner’s office, strippers dressing room / locker room, shower area, parking lot and entrance remodeled. Future build updates will include 3rd floor private rooms for the rich and powerful. Bondage room, and the Senator room. Possibly a sex club they can attend with fees. This will also help to stay out of prison when you have access to the secrets of those in charge.
Last word, find the complete tutorial on the Basemental Drugs Mod drug dealing skill HERE.