AllMust Have Mods


Sexy Gigs Mod adds a variety of functional sex worker careers to the Sims 4 and is meant to work with Wicked Whims Mod for realistic sex worker gameplay. There are currently 6 careers to choose from with many more headed to the mod in future updates. This guide will walk you through each career and showcase how to configure Wicked Whims, detail known issues, and how to download the sexy gigs venues.

Sexy Gigs Mod And Recommended Downloads
Sexy Gigs Mod:
Wicked Whims:
Force To Leave Mod:
BDSM Equipment And Animations: by Kritical (LoversLab)
Error404Philips Sex Animations: (LoversLab)
GreyNaya Sex Animations: (LoversLab)
Mike24 Sex Animations: (LoversLab)
Sexy Gigs Adult Film Studio Venue:
Sexy Gigs Street Walker Park v2:
Sexy Gigs Sleazy Motel Remodel:
Sexy Gigs Surrogate Sex Therapist Office:
Sexy Gigs Sex Dungeon Remodel:

All the above downloads are recommended to have the full intended experience.

Porn Star Career – Requires Get Famous
This career is the latest addition to the mod but it has a few known issues that can interfere with gameplay. However I’ll walk you through ways to still work as a Porn Star and make money for your Sim. An update to this career is currently underway.

The first thing you’ll need to do is setup the Adult Film Studio. Place the lot where you want, set the venue type to generic, add the Porno Studio Lot Trait. This Lot Trait will spawn the NPC Director and Camera Operator.

Next add the Porn Star trait to your sim in CAS. Your sim will have a new Porn Star social menu and interactions they can use.

The original ideas for this career was to have your Sim get an agent, similar to have the acting career works in Get Famous. Once you have an agent you’ll immediately head out to a rabbithole audition. Upon return you then have options for porno movies to perform in. The interaction is in the game but nothing happens when you select it. For now all you have to do is use your phone to create a social event. The event is free with a placeholder astronaut career image.

Select your Sim and a Co-Star to perform with you in the movie, pick the Adult Film Studio lot you placed and the performance event will start. The Lot Trait will spawn the Director and Camera Operator as mentioned, you’ll need the Director to sit in the chair and the Camera Operator to work the camera.

Since the autonomy isn’t strong enough just yet, I’m working on this element too, I suggest to use the shift/click cheat to temporarily add them to your household. You can then control both Sims. I will post when everything is fixed and working properly for this career. When you do this workaround 2 more NPCs will spawn but pretty much stand outside or mind their business. Meanwhile you have a movie to shoot. Each interaction is custom and makes use of Wicked Whims. So it’s required to make the movies and earn money through the event.

Here are the recommended Wicked Whims settings so the Co-Star doesn’t reject your request to have sex on camera, avoid pregnancy if you want, be completely nude or have clothing on, and how they dress up afterwards.

A really important note, you’ll need to completely exit your current sex animation and start a new one in order for the event to trigger you’ve completed a goal. Once you complete and goal the event you’ll get paid a good amount of money. You can shift/click the Director and Camera Operator to remove them from your household if wanted. If they will not leave and you want them to use the Force To Leave mod by LittleMsSam, click a door and select the sims you want to leave.


Independent Sex Worker – Prostitute
In CAS add the Sex Worker trait to your sim to enable a new social menu and sex worker classified on the computer called Back-End Classifieds. Sex Workers have two options to get sex buyers. They can use the classifieds or stroll the streets to turn tricks. There are a couple of venues you can use for this career, Street Walker Park and the Sleazy Motel.

Setup Street Walker Park by setting the venue type to park or generic. If you set it to park the normal park goers will stroll around. You can solicit any Sim. The generic version will not spawn any sims. Add the Street Walker Park Lot Trait to spawn NPC Park Sex Buyers to either venue type.

Now you’re ready to turn tricks in the park. This park has a custom public bathroom to take care of business there or behind a tree is fine too. Using the Turn Tricks menu click on a sim and start asking them if they’re interested, want to have sex, and discuss the price. When you discuss the price they’ll repsond with yes or no, if they want to have sex they’ll pay your sim right then a total of $200. Once you’re paid use Wicked Whims where you want.

At the Sleazy Motel or anywhere you can use a computer, the Back-End Classifieds will spawn a sex buyer who’ll pay to have sex with you. They pay upfront when you reply to their sex ad. To complete the transaction use Wicked Whims or regular woohoo if wanted. If you don’t want to use the classifieds, you can still turn tricks with the Motel Guests that spawn from the Sleazy Motel Lot Trait.


Pimping Career
With the Pimping career you can build a team of hoes, send them make money on different hoe strolls, remove a hoe that isn’t working out for you, and arrange the dates for them and make money. To become a Pimp go into CAS, add the Pimp Trait to enable a couple of new menus. The Pimp Game social menu and Manage Hoes computer menu.

The first thing you need as a Pimp are hoes to make you money. Using a computer, select Recruit A Hoe interaction. This will spawn a sim to your location. Introduce yourself then Offer Your Protection As A Pimp. The Sim will either join you or decline the offer. If they want you as their Pimp I suggest using the Force To Leave mod to send them away instead of putting them to work right away.

You can always invite your hoes back to your location by using the computer and selecting the Where My Hoes interaction. This will spawn one for you. Now you have a couple of options to make money. Click on a hoe and select Send To Make Money, A list of hoe strolls will appear. You can send them to any rabbithole location you want. They should return within a hour or two. To collect your money click on the returned hoe and choose You Got My Money?

Next you can Arrange A Date via the computer which will spawn a NPC Sex Buyer. When they arrive have the Hoe and the Sex Buyer have sex using Wicked Whims NPC Sex interaction. When they’re done click on the Hoe and ask You Got My Money? to get paid.

The Sleazy Motel is the perfect location to run your sex business but you can do this anywhere there’s a computer.


This career includes a sex dungeon however you’ll need to download the BDSM equipment from Kritical, link above. The sex dungeon can be set to a generic venue type with no lot trait included or needed. Getting started in this career you’ll need to add the Dominatrix Trait to your Sim in CAS. This will enable the BDSM Session social menu with submenus for Torture and Humiliation.

Spawn Submissive worms using a computer. You get paid for each interaction you use on the Submissive Worms.


Surrogate Sex Therapist
Some sims have problems and issues with sex and will need to see a Surrogate Sex Therapist. The surrogate will guide them through a therapy session that may or may not include physical sex with the client. The sex session is way to help them with whatever issue they have. Getting started you will not need a lot trait but this career includes a sex therapy office with a room with a bed.

To get into this career go into CAS and add the Surrogate Sex Therapist trait to your sim. Set the therapy office to generic. Now use the computer to Book A Surrogate Sex Therapy Client. Now you can run the session however you want. You get paid $20 per interaction so payment is built in automatically.

It’s up to you how you want the session to go and treatment options. Some interactions will give the client a strong emotional buff, some will give your sim a reaction. If you decide the client needs to have physical sex to solve an issue you can use regular woohoo or Wicked Whims.


HornyFans Content Creation Station – Requires Get Famous
You only need to purchase this station to get started as a HornyFans Model. There are two main menus, Video Mode and Home. The video mode allows you to model, have sex, or do whatever you want in front of the camera. Click the Record button, create your content then click the Stop button. The record button will not move in the interaction queue unless you click out of it and then the stop button will work.

After clicking stop, you can rename the video file and give it a description. The clip will end up in your inventory, click on it to edit delete, and upload to HornyFans. You’ll earn fame and followers.



Sexy Double Bed With Real Sex Names
This bed will cost you $999. Build up a relationship with a sim and when you’re ready to woohoo you’ll see options to woohoo with real sex names. These are all regular woohoo just with real sex names. Coming soon real sex buffs for this object.

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