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Sexy Gigs Mod – Version 10.B adds new Sexy Businesses and more Trap Queen gig gameplay.  To start out you have the ability to craft a variety of dildos that require the right ingredients to make them.  Then you can sell the dildos to other sims without a retail store.  The Trap Queen gig adds the ability to cook your own crack from the right ingredients as well, sell crack or recruit street dealers to do the selling for you.


Dildo Maker Sexy Business
The first of several new business type gigs for this mod is the Dildo Maker.  To become a Dildo Maker use the Sexy Gigs Settings and select Become A Dildo Maker.  To start making your sex toys you will need some equipment and ingredients.  

Using a base game computer and the Sexy Gigs menu, select the “Purchase Dildo Making Supplies” interaction.  Here you can buy everything you need such as the required ingredient which is a Lump Of Silicone.  You can also purchase these in build/buy mode.

Silicone [$350] Dildo Craft Station [$1000]

With everything that’s required you can make dildos.  (Takes 2-3 hours to make 9 dildos) Your Sim will stand idle in front of the Dildo Craft Station during that time.  If needed you can “x” out of the interaction.  When you have a dildo in your inventory it’s very easy to make sales.  Click on a sim to either socialize about sex toys or sell them a dildo.  You earn [$378.00] per dildo sold.

Currently there isn’t a cooldown period or anything hindering you from selling as much as you can except having the money needed to purchase supplies and a few hours in between to make a batch.

Future Plans
I want to add a much wider variety of sex toys that you can make.  More required ingredients, and potentially a dildo making skill.

Trap Queens
Becoming a Trap Queen works the same as most other gigs.  Using a base game computer and the Sexy Gigs menu sign up to become one.  This gig introduces functional drugs, drug dealing, NPC Crackheads, and the ability to turn Crackheads into Crack Whores.  

The idea for this comes from the Basemental Drugs Mod which the creator has stated they’ll never add crack to their mod.  However this is the one drug I’ve always wanted to sell in the game so decided to make it on my own.  It was included with this mod to combine drug dealing with pimping.  So it’s somewhat of a sex worker type gig with more criminal elements.   

Trap Queens have a lot of options at their disposal when it comes to making money.  They can focus just on the illegal drug dealing business, manufacture drugs, or incorporate the Crack Whores and send them to turn tricks.


How To Buy And Sell Drugs
For this to work properly you’ll need to set up the NPC Plug (Dealer you’ll purchase crack from), Street Dealers, and Crack Whores.  

NPC Plug Setup
The Plug is the dealer you can purchase crack from but you need to create them in CAS.  Give them the “Plug” trait and a couple of others you want.  You can also make them look however you want from the start.  I suggest just having one Plug

Once you’re done, place them on a lot in the same world as the Sim that’ll be your Trap Queen.

NPC Street Dealers and Crack Whores
You’ll need to create them ahead of time too and then place them on a lot in the same world as your Trap Queen.  You can have up to 4 Street Dealers and 4 Crack Whores.  

How To Buy Crack
Now that a Plug is available use the Trap Queen phone menu to “Invite Plug Over”.  The Plug will arrive to do business with you through a “Buy Crack” social menu.  There are 3 interactions you can use with the Plug.  Buy Crack, Discuss doing business together, and Ask about drug quality.

You can purchase crack from the Plug immediately.  When you do it’ll cost you $400 and give you #16 bags of crack in your inventory.  Now that you’re fully supplied you can start selling to any teen or older Sim.

How To Sell Crack
You have a couple of options when it comes to selling crack.  Find a spot somewhere and approach Sims to see if they want to buy.  All the interactions for selling crack are located behind the “Trap Queen” menu.  Currently there isn’t a cooldown or anything like that for the Sell Crack interactions.  That might be coming in the future if this makes selling crack seem a bit too easy.  

When you sell crack you earn $50 per sale.


How To Make Crack
Since this isn’t a skill based gig or career you only need the proper equipment to get started.  There are two ways to get the required items, via the computer or through build/buy mode.  To purchase on the computer use the Drug Connections menu and find “Purchase Crack Making Supplies” interaction.  From here you can get all the items you need.

Required Items For Cooking Crack
-Crack Cooking Stove (Located in Build/Buy only for $400.  Same area as all stoves)
-Cocaine $200
-Baking Soda $10

If you try to cook crack on the stove without the required items you won’t be able to use it.  The option to cook crack is only available from this custom stove.

When you have the right ingredients click the stove and select “Cook Crack”.  That’ll give you 32 bags of crack in the Trap Queen’s inventory.  She can sell crack without a plug from this point.

Bag Of Crack In Inventory and Smoking Crack.

The crack is functional and can be smoked.  When you smoke crack it will make you extremely dazed.  To smoke crack click on the bag of crack in your inventory which will open and leave you with a crack pipe.

Click on the crack pipe and “Smoke Crack”.  I strongly suggest you don’t get high on your own supply though.  

Known issue for the crack pipe.  Since it’s actually using an animation for chug drink, the sim doesn’t grab the pipe like I want.  Your sim’s hands will be empty when they drink the crack which is actually Smoking crack.  They still get high via the dazed and sloshed buff.

Managing Street Dealers
If you created street dealers to help run your criminal empire then you’ll need to manage them and keep them in position to earn money for you.  Using a base game computer you can “Invite Street Dealer Over” any time.  When they arrive use the “Manage Street Dealers” menu which will allow you to “Send Them To Sell Crack”.  They will leave for a while and return with some money.  Click on the Street Dealer and select “ Collect Money” interaction.

Managing Crack Whores
Same with Street Dealers, if you created them you can manage them through the “Manage Crack Whores” social menu.  They can be sent to turn tricks for you.  When they return they’ll either have your money or an update as to what went wrong.


Sexy Gigs Mod – Version 10.B is free to the public.



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