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Getting Started
Give your Sim the Sugar Date Trait in CAS and The Sugar Dating Aspiration

How To Create Sugar Partners
Click on a Sim, select “Create Sugar Partner” from the Actions menu. This interaction is always present. This interaction may have a positive or negative reaction but the Sim you select is a Sugar Partner.  Meaning the Sugar Dating social menu will appear on them.

Tip:  Before you go on a Sugar Date, create a Sugar Partnership and build up the friendship and maybe a little romance.  The Sugar Date interactions are mostly romantic and will fail without a little prior history.

Sugar Date Social Event
Select your Sugar Baby, pick a sugar partner, and a location like a bar or restaurant.  You’ll need a location with at least a bathroom, and the ability to eat something.

Goal the event to earn a little extra money.

Sugar Baby Skill

Level 1
Acquired The Sugar Baby Skill

Level 2
Unlocked the active listener social interaction.

Level 3
Can ask for extra money.

Level 4
Can offer extra sugar.

Level 5
Unlocked the Hint you want expensive gift social interaction.

Level 6
Unlocked offer Deep Companionship social interaction.

Level 7
Unlocked stay safe social menu interactions.

Level 8
Unlocked Sugarless social menu interactions.

Level 9
Unlocked offer deep affection social interaction.

Level 10
Unlocked Hint you want rent money social interaction.

Sugar Dating Aspiration


Wickedly Entertaining Gaming For Adults.
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