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The Life Tragedies Mod by Sacrificial will add a variety of intense situations to your Sims 4 gameplay. You can become a robber and break into houses to steal everything you can, to being bullied or kidnapped. If you want you can even become a bully and terrorize everyone in your neighborhood. This is a guide to help you install and see what this mod is all about before you use it.

The install process is very simple. Get the mod download here. Unpack and drop it into your mods folder. Make sure it’s the latest version of the mod so that it works properly for you. Just be aware there are two versions of the mod. One is compatible with the base game. The other requires Get To Work. Only select one.

To help us explore this mod we have Chester Dawkins who will start his day off by becoming a bully. To bully a sim all you have to do click on the target sim you want to bully, select Life Tragedies, bullying, and then choose how you want to bully them.

You have 3 types of actions. You can beat the sims down, make fun of them, or intimidate them.

Let’s move on to bigger and better activities that will make your sim as much money as they desire. Becoming an armed robber and breaking into other sims’s houses.

To become a robber click on your sim, life tragedies, options, and select “turn into Armed Robber”. Although robbing a few houses is fun and financially rewarding it’s not without a few risks. Try not to be seen or caught because the home owner will call the cops. If they catch you expect to be taken to jail and possibly endure a few unpleasant events.

Be aware that when you travel to a house for the purpose of stealing the family will also load with you. Just head off the property a bit and allow them to go in and about their normal business. Once they’ve done that sneak up to the door and pick the lock. Be very quiet and steal as much stuff as you can.

If you did make a mistake and the cops arrived do everything you can to get away by jogging or running off the property or go home.

You can enable/disable any event with this mod. To initiate a kidnapping click your sim, Life Tragedies, Tragedies, and Kidnapping. If your sim is inside they’ll get up and walk outside for the event to take place. While minding their business a kidnapper will walk up to them, snatch them, and throw them into the back of a black truck.

You’ll get notifications on what to do next from the kidnappers. Make sure to have a family member or roommate living with you so they can meet the kidnapper’s demands.

Click on your sim, Life Tragedies, Kidnapping. Choose what you’d like to do. Attempt To Contact Kidnapped Sim, Contact Kidnappers, Post About Kidnapping On Social Media, or Report Kidnapping To Police.

I chose to contact the kidnappers in this case and they gave me a ransom demand of $5000 then they’ll send the location to meet and drop off the money.

Click the same menu sequence to make the transfer which they may ask for even more money if you don’t want to get hurt.

Now you can travel to the kidnapping location to pick up your kidnapped sim.

The leader arrived and demanded $25,000 more or both of us would get hurt. Fortunately I was able to pay the extra. The only problem was the kidnapped wasn’t in my household anymore so I used the “testingcheats true” cheat, shift clicked my sim, and added him back to the household.

We’ll be careful in the future not to get kidnapped again.

To add even more tragedy to my sim’s lives, I’m going to make them extremely sick with a fatal illness. If you have the expansion pack Get To Work for The Sims 4, then you’ll be able to actually visit the hospital for treatment.

Enable this tragedy by clicking on the sim you want to give the illness, use the Life Tragedies Menu, select options, and then “Give Fatal Illness” or “Give Fatal Illness Symptoms”. I’m going for the full experience.

Now we’re going to head to the hospital for surgery and hope there’s a cure. When you arrive to the hospital, click on your doctor so he can start the surgery right away.

It’s a miracle because Chester was cured and he’s going to be okay.

To control how this mod works it relatively straight forward. Use the menu for this mod and head over to Options. You can enable life tragedies to happen autonomously and how often they occur. There are other features within this mod which I will feature separately in a later article. Be on the lookout for that soon. Meanwhile have fun with this mod.


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