

This mod adds functional prisons that you can manage to The Sims 4.

Very important to remove the previous version to avoid a mod conflict.

If you leave the generic lot and return, the inmates might be gone or will leave when you arrive. That’s normal for the game. Just Start Intake all over again.

How To Become A Prison Warden
Self click on your Sim and select the “Action” category. Click the “Become A Prison Warden” interaction.  This will give your Sim the Warden trait.  If you no longer wish to be a prison warden select “Quit Being A Prison Warden” interaction.

You can run a private prison from a generic lot type or residential.

How To Run The Prison
From a computer, select the Private Prison menu. Then Start Prison Intake.  This interaction will spawn 4 random prisoners, male or female. When the prisoners arrive you’ll need to introduce yourself to them and process them into the prison.  Just click on each prisoner, “Action” social menu, and select Process Prisoner.  This will give them the Inmate trait.  Without this trait the social interactions will not appear.

You can now search inmates for contraband.  If they have something you’ll get a buff describing what you found.  You can also send these Sims to a rabbithole Solitary Confinement for 2 hours.

Inmates will stay in prison for 2 days unless you release everyone.

Release All Prisoners On Parole – will send all Sims off the lot.  (except household members if you’re on a residential lot)

Potential Issue:
During testing I couldn’t get the interactions to show up on doors.  Let me know if you experience this.  When I removed the mod I was able to click on doors.  I updated the group id for one interaction and seems to be working.

Prisoners aren’t wearing the prison uniform to keep the mod base game compatible.


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