This guide adds a few new layers and challenges to the functional Prostitution sex worker system available from the Wicked Perversions mod. Prostitutes will have a Pimp they owe money to, an aspiration track and traits, urban lot or motel where they can turn tricks, and drugs to make everything better.
Mods You’ll Need:
Wicked Perversions Mod – Here…..
Wicked Whims Mod – Here…..
Basemental Drugs Mod – Here…..
Extreme Violence Mod – Here…..
Prostitution Setup
Start with the prostitute sim in CAS. Select the Broken Libido Aspiration and Mind Broken Aspiration track. This comes with the Lusty Aspiration Trait. For Traits, add Pheromonal Flower, the remaining two can be any traits you want. Now give him/her whatever look you want.
The Mind Broken Aspiration Track requires you to flirt a lot and have 3 friends. Something your prostitute will need to do anyway. You’ll also need to woohoo a lot, do drugs, and gain an addiction. Once you complete the track you get the “Sex Addict” reward trait.
Sex addicts end up with permanent restraints, nail polish, a pelvis tattoo, and dazed buff after woohoo. Adding the Pheromonal Trait in CAS increases the rate you build romance and misc whims.
Lusty Aspiration Trait that comes with Mind Broken means your sim will lust after their partners, get flirty buffs, and wet spot debuff depending on level of excitement.
(Source: NisaK – Wicked Perversions Mod)
Get These Boxers Here…
Having a pimp is optional but the setup in CAS can be based on however you want your Sim to act. In my case I made him mean and mischievous. Becoming a pimp is a simple process through your prostitute. Have your prostitute Sim use a base game computer and find the Tam Explorer menu. From there you will register a debt. Pick the Sim you want to be the Pimp and enter the amount the prostitute needs to pay or owes. If you enter the amount as 0, the prostitute will owe that money forever. Learn More Here…
Wicked Whims Settings
Before you start prostituting there are a few things you’ll want to tweak. These are all within the Wicked Whims system and settings. The first is how you’ll deal with pregnancy. You can turn this off in the “Pregnancy” settings. You can also prevent pregnancy by purchasing condoms or birth control pills via the computer. These items will arrive in the mail. Or find them in Buy Mode.
You can also decide if your female Sims will have periods or not. Allowing periods will add another layer of realism to deal with. You can purchase pads, tampons, chill pills for menstrual pain, and Crab Killing Shampoo through the computer or Buy Mod. Remember you can only use the Crab Killing Shampoo while taking a shower.”Lice Killing Shampoo” is the actual name in game.
I also set nudity to complete undressing, disable the Peeping Tom and Tina, left sweating enabled.
Drugs And Violence
Prostitution seems like a rough lifestyle, you can simulate that with Basemental Drug Mod and Extreme Violence Mod.
Recommended Drugs For Prostitutes
Meth – Energized Effect, gotta keep woohooing
Xanax – Happy Mood, to deal with prostituting
Cigarettes – Happy Mood, when you’re out of Meth
MDMA – Flirty Mood, job requirement
Recommended Drugs For Pimps
Cocaine – Confident Effect, put a little more enthusiasm in Pimp slaps
Purple Drank – Dazed Or Drunk Effect
Extreme Violence Mod
You get plenty of non-deadly and deadly interactions if it comes to that. There were times when the prostitute did not have enough money to cover what she owed the Pimp. Job task requires a pimp slap in that instance
Suggested Lots You Can Download:
Find urban style lots here…. from SoulSisterSims. I’m using the Laundromat build from their Youtube Channel in this videos and screenshots.
Sex Animations by Grey Naya, Error404Phillips, and Rlo. Penis by Simdulgence
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