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The prior version of the Functional Movie Theater did not include Movie Hangout Stuff Pack for The Sims 4.  Since it was half price this week decided to get it and apply it to the theater.  Also wanted a lot more options for a concession stand and ways to earn money.  Ended up using over 10 mods with various hit or miss outcomes, but here’s how to set up your own functional theaters.


  • Cinema Lot Venue Type
  • Can Live On The Lot
  • Order Supplies From A Grocery Store
  • Make Juice (Eco Lifestyle)
  • Make Popcorn (Movie Hangout)
  • Make Candy Bars
  • Functional Concession Stand
  • Earn Money When Sims Enter The Lot
  • Earn Money When Sims Use Arcade Machine
  • Earn Money When Sims Purchase Or Grab A Popcorn
  • Sell Misc Other Cooked Items Or Harvestables
  • Clone Harvestables Or Food Items
  • Collect Daily Income On Computer
  • Add More Recipes If Wanted (IceMunMun)
  • Start Movies Without Having To Watch Them, Only Movie Goers

Build A Movie Theater

You’ll need some kind of movie theater.  There should be some good options on the gallery or build one of your own.  My theater had a kitchen and concession area, back office, bathrooms, and the area to watch movies.

Make The Lot Functional

The More Buyable Venues Mod and Live In Business Mods are required to make this work.  Set the lot venue type to “Cinema”, and add the “Live In Store” lot trait.  Together it spawns customers and movie goers.  Customers arrive to purchase whatever you’ve set for sale.  Click on the TV you’ve set up as the movie screen to pick any of the customers to watch the show.  You can select up to 30 Sims.

Cooking Custom Food

Custom Food Interactions Mod and Custom Drink Interactions Mod will let you add new recipes like candy bars to the fridge.  Although it’s trial and error to set them for sale.  If you want to add a bar you can and sell custom drinks to the customers.  This feature didn’t seem to work well either.  These may work for you if you have limited custom content.  CC can sometimes break and cause mods not to work.  Mods can also conflict with each other. Be prepared to have some things to still figure out.

In my theater I cooked candy bars, made juice to replace sodas, and popped popcorn for customers to purchase.  The system I had in place was to cook early before opening.  Store the items in the fridge so they don’t spoil, and then stock the display case for sims to purchase these items.

When I opened the theater Sims would slowly populate but eventually started purchasing the items quickly.  So quickly I kept running out of stock.  Once the theater was full I’d start the movie.  As they’re watching the movie, clean up the mess they left and restock.  Similar to how I imagine real movie theaters operate.

Stopping The Movie And Closing Time

You can have the movie play for as long as you want but I try to get a few showings done per day.  Click the TV to stop the movie which the Sims watching will eventually leave.  To open the theater click on the door, you’ll see the options to “Open Own Business”, and “Open Live In Store”.  Open them both or just experiment with one or the other.  This will spawn Sims on your lot.  To close click on the door again and close down both options.  I also suggest locking the door to everyone.  Otherwise Sims may continue to find a way to get in.



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