Start your very own strip club using the Wicked Whims Sex Mod. You’ll be able to create a functional strip club that can earn your sims a lot of money if you learn how to manage it properly.
The first step is to build a strip club any way you like. Just be aware to place the stripper pole that comes with the mod. If you don’t want to use a stripper pole you can use a dancing spot. Just depends on what you want your club to be.
Now you’ll need to actually purchase the strip club. Using the home tab on your phone, select “Buy A Strip Club”, the same way you’d purchase a retail business or vet clinic.

The entire process of running and managing the strip club is done through your phone. You can design the outfits for the dancers, hire employees, view financial reports and hours of operation.
There are three primary tasks employees will do, stage dancing, charming clients, and bartending. ” To assign a task, click on a Dancer Employee and select the ‘Assign Task’ option under the ‘Strip Club’ category. When playing as a dancer, simply start performing a certain task to automatically change into it.” (Via Wicked Whims Tumblr Post)

“Dancers with the Stage Dancing task will look for the nearest or specifically assigned Dancing Pole or Dancing Spot to dance at. Each dance routine is randomly generated and can be altered at any moment by clicking on the dancer. Stage Dancers are one of the biggest reasons for clients to visit the club, so make sure you always have at least one on the stage.” (Via Wicked Whims Tumblr Post)

Dancers with the Bartending task will focus on preparing and serving drinks as well as cleaning up the bar area. Selling drinks is the most profitable source of revenue for the club, so having someone tending the bar is a must.
The process is simple enough, a client enters the club, orders a drink, finishes it… and leaves an empty glass behind. Wait a few hours and your entire club will be filled with empty glasses. To manage this chaos, assign a secondary bartender or let some dancer figure it out on their own, and watch it be cleaned. Leaving empty glasses around doesn’t only take up space, it makes everybody quite uncomfortable as well.
Although the bartending dancers are handling the process of selling drinks and cleaning up, managing the bar prices and supplies is left for the owner.
Each prepared drink consumes Bar Supplies which are required for the bar to function. Drinks cannot be sold when your club runs out of supplies. It’s wise to order Bar Supplies beforehand so they can arrive the next day. Additionally, fewer Bar Supplies mean fewer types of drinks that can be prepared. Clients that cannot order what they want will be very unhappy about it.
You can order supplies by clicking on any Bar to access the Strip Club ‘Order Supplies’ menu. Purchased supplies add up to the total of ordered supplies that will be delivered the next day at around noon. The cost of supplies depends on the base price of the drinks ordered by clients. Selling expensive drinks requires purchasing expensive supplies.
Selling drinks for the base price and buying supplies to refill the bar isn’t the most profitable loop. As the owner, you should adjust the Price Markup of drinks so each sold drink comes with profit. Although selling drinks with a 100% price markup sounds great, it will very quickly fail when clients are left with buying drinks that they do not want.
High Price Markup and Low Bar Supplies decrease the likeliness of clients purchasing drinks. Shortage of supplies means fewer drinks to offer, and increased price makes them less appealing for purchase. When you can’t sell the client’s favorite drinks, lower the Price Markup to make other drinks an attractive offer… at least until the Bar Supplies arrive.
You can adjust the Price Markup by clicking on any Bar to access the Strip Club ‘Price Markup’ menu. Don’t feel discouraged from setting the markup as high as you want. Unless someone complains, what’s the harm.